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In this world there are so many difference between u and me and we are not same.we have nothing in common.the soul which u have,the mind you have, the glitch of glamour  you have .......there is infinity difference with me or someone else.but when people are attract of something different, something  that you only have,then it feels something.of course good,not necessary to change the feeling at the direction which is really irelevant.which u actually didnt looking for. And this is what um going to say.

my dear love......
you look very charming.very bright,may be the sun that only shines and makes you smile in the morning.i wish that i could be the sun.

my dear love.......
i always see you in times and of course you dont really need me the most,who the hell am i?but didnt you notice when um about to set and fade,um fighting.... still fighting just to see your smile from afar for the last time and including your teeth.the front one.that really suites
My dear love......
may be we are just awfully not destined to be e together. But this destiny showed me to be truly madly in is really hard to fake watch u with my sobbing eyes.(canteen)

My dear love.....
Dont worry for the word love which's been used. It can be classified in many terms. And my intention was good enough. For me love is solicitous, it cares and considers.

My dear love......
I don't want you.
Bcz u deserve better..
You r a precious woman....
you are not my crush
I think crush is just an object where u are the priority....
your loving " stalker "
